Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 2

1. The quadrangle is named, "Beverly Hills Quadrangle," located in Los Angeles, California.

2. The northeast quadrangle is named Canoga Park. The northern quadrangle is named Van Nuys, the northwest is named Burbank. The west quadrangle is named Topanga. The east quadrangle is named Hollywood. The southwest quadrangle is unnamed because that is where the ocean is. The southern quadrangle is named Venice. The southeast quadrangle is named Inglewood.

3. The map was first made in 1966.

4. The North American Datum of 1927 and the North American Datum of 1983 were used to compile this map.

5. The scale of the map is 1: 24000

6. a) 5cm on the map is equal to 1200m on the ground.
b) 5 inches is equal to 1.89 miles on the ground.
c) 1 mile on the ground is equal to 2.64 inches on the map
d) 3 kilometers on the ground is equal to 12.5cm

7. The contour interval is 20 feet.

8. Geographic coordinates of:

a) the Public Affairs building: 34 degrees 4 minutes 27 seconds North, 118 degrees 26 minutes 21 seconds West, or 34.074 degrees North 118.439 degrees West
b) Tip of the Santa Monica Pier: 34 degrees 0 minutes 27 seconds North, 118 degrees 30 minutes 0 seconds West, or 34.0075 degrees North 118.5 degrees West
c)Franklin Canyon Reservoir: 34 degrees 5 minutes 54 seconds North, 118 degrees 24 minutes 43 seconds West, or 34.1 0degrees North, 118.41 degrees West.

9. Greystone mansion elevation: 560ft or 170.68 meters
Woodlawn cemetary: 140 ft or 42.67 meters
Crestwood Hills Park: 700ft or 213.36 meters

10. The UTM zone is 11.

11. The UTM coordinates are 3763000 m North 362000m East

12. The area contained in each square is 1,000,000 square meters.

14. The magnetic declination is 14 degrees east.

15. The water in the stream flows south because the elevation is decreasing in the from North to South.


1 comment:

  1. good job. 9.8/10

    11. The UTM coordinates for the lower left corner of the map are 3,763,000mN and 361,500mE.

    13. Missing labeling UCLA on chart.
